Bachelor of Business Administration in Management Information Systems

Learn to use technology to solve business problems and create new opportunities with the Bachelor of Business Administration in Management Information Systems 在PG电子试玩平台 福克斯商学院.

在商业和技术的交汇处, 管理信息系统集合, process and manage information in order to enhance and streamline business processes. 这些系统负责

  • 工资处理和会计系统;
  • 购物车功能的在线零售商,和
  • the ability to transfer money with a mobile phone, among other services.

Students pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Management Information Systems will successfully compete in a digital-centric economy in which traditional large corporations, 以及小型创业公司, continue to increase efficiency within their information technology (IT) operations by adding new, innovative, 技术增强的能力. 


  • 分析和设计创新的数字产品和服务.g.为新成立的公司制定社交媒体战略);
  • analyze clients, specify needs, integrate applications and manage projects (e.g.获取新的客户关系管理系统);
  • 应用资讯科技自动化及改善业务流程(例如.g.应用分析来发现新的见解);
  • 发起并领导技术支持的变革.g., act as a digital innovation change agent in a large firm); and
  • 使用IT转换业务功能(例如.g.创建移动应用程序以获取新客户).

有兴趣的同学, the program also serves as a broad introduction to more specialized areas such as data analysis and database design, programming, 以及软件和硬件的开发.

Students pursuing the 管理信息系统专业 work closely with 国际知名教师 and benefit from the myriad of industry opportunities that come with attending an urban university, 比如获得实习和专业组织的机会. The 资讯科技谘询委员会 at Temple’s 商业和信息技术研究所 is comprised of representatives from some of Philadelphia’s largest companies, 谁是你的导师和有价值的人脉.

Management Information Systems students can also take advantage of the 福克斯IT招聘会, and 专业发展计划, which is intended to prepare students for future success by providing them with industry experiences, 职业知识, leadership, 沟通技巧和工作准备技能.

Learn more about professional opportunities and career services for BBA students.



Motivated students can accelerate their BBA program to finish in three years. To find out more about completing your degree on an accelerated timeline, contact your advisor.

4+1 Program

The Fox School’s rigorous 4+1 program gives undergraduate students a head start on their master’s degree.


  • 申请大二春季学期;
  • use 12 credits of elective space to take graduate courses during their junior and senior years, 在利用本科学费的同时;
  • complete the remaining credits for the master’s in the year following undergraduate graduation; and
  • 在短短五年内获得本科和硕士学位.


Classes & Curriculum

The 管理信息系统专业 curriculum is comprised of required courses, electives, a final capstone project and a professional achievement requirement of 1,000 points. 了解学生如何获得成绩分数.


  • 应用集成与评估
  • 数据分析
  • 以数据为中心的应用开发
  • 数字解决方案工作室
  • 企业IT架构
  • 信息系统集成
  • 领导全球数字项目




Tuition & Fees

为了与坦普尔大学对获取和负担得起的承诺保持一致, the Bachelor of Business Administration offers a competitive level of tuition with multiple opportunities for financial support.

Tuition rates are set annually by the university and are affected by multiple factors, 包括课程学位水平(本科或研究生), 课程负荷(全日制或非全日制), 居住在州内或州外, and more. 你可以看到完整的 Cost of Attendance breakdown on the Student Financial Services website.


宾夕法尼亚州居民: $22,824.00 per year
Out-of-state: $41,544.00 per year